Monday, May 4, 2009

18 months old!

Andrew is now 18 months old and I can't believe it. He is talking more and more every day, he now says "where is it is" and then responds with "there it is", it is so cute! He weighs 25lb 12oz (50%) and is 32 3/4 " tall (60%). A lady at the grocery store recently told me he looked so tall she thought he was going to be a basketball player, I am not so sure he going to be that tall but he sure might pass his mom and dad soon!

Friday, May 1, 2009


We just took our first family vacation and it was amazing! Walter, Andrew and I joined my mom and step-dad in La Paz, Mexico for a week in the sun and sand. Andrew loved the beach, he spent hours digging and splashing around and it was great for him to have so much quality time with daddy and the grandparents. A few days after we got there the news of swine flu hit and we were a little nervous at first but turns out there was no flu on the Baja Sur so we felt pretty safe. Walter and George went fishing a few times and caught some beautiful fish. It was very relaxing all around and I think we might have to go again next year!

To see all the pictures click here.