Saturday, April 30, 2011

Start your engines!

We met some friends at the Meridian Speedway this weekend to "fuel" the boys obsession with race cars. They had a great time watching the cars race and crash!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

We had a wonderful Easter this year. Grandma Terry flew in the day before to visit. On Saturday we had a egg hunt with all the cousins at Aunt Annie and Uncle Von's house and also celebrated Lavon's birthday. Sunday we had a visit from the Easter bunny at our house. Andrew and Aiden had baskets and an egg hunt in the back yard. Later we had the family over for Easter dinner it was delicious especially my lemon-raspberry cake!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

8 months

Aiden is 8 months old now, weighs about 19lbs, and he's so funny. He grunts and yells all the time and is so intense. When he gets excited his whole body gets stiff. He is still nursing about 6 times a day and is getting more interested in food. He has tried egg yolk, spinach and cheerios lately and likes them all. He is starting to pull up on things and has some very strong little legs. Aiden also is working on the "real" crawling positions and never holds still for long!