Saturday, August 27, 2011

Idaho State Fair

We headed out to the fair again this year! It was a lot of fun because Andrew was tall enough to ride by himself on most of the rides. Poor Aiden was stuck in the stroller

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Aiden gets a haircut

We took Aiden to get his first haircut. I was a little scared that he would be a wild man but he sat so still and was such a perfect little man! It was the perfect haircut in my opinion because it was not drastic!


Getting his cape on

Getting ready for the first cut

There goes his bangs

All Done he did so great!! He got his first lollypop

He is so cute!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011

Aiden's first birthday party

We had a little BBQ for Aiden birthday and it was a great time. Aiden played with his buddies and got some fun new toys. He had fun with his cake but he didn't make to much of a mess with it!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

12 months

My baby is 1 year old! Aiden is 19lb 11 1/2oz (10%) 29 1/2 in (49%) he is little guy. He is now walking and he loves his new freedom. He has also learned to say a few words, he says bye "baa" and waves, he says wow and momma. Aiden loves to wave and clap. He sleeps great and is eating more and more! Aiden is a huge music lover, he loves to grab the remote and point it at the tv and dance as a sign to me that he would like some music on, and he has some great dance moves. He also loves to go play out and play in the backyard.