Friday, April 11, 2014

William's allergy testing!

We payed a visit to the allergy Doctor to have William checked out and here's how it went. They do a skin test on the back and watch. We tested for eggs, dairy, soy, wheat, tree nuts, and peanuts and at first glance he reacted to everything with big hives all over his back. Lucky for me Dr. Keiley said that I didn't have cut out everything as well. Later we went for a blood test to determine the severity of it all, baby blood draws are not fun. Turns out William is allergic to eggs, dairy, wheat, and peanuts. They think he will grow out of the egg, dairy, and wheat, but the nut allergies are probably not going anywhere. We still have to figure out why he threw up after eating avocado.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

William 9 months old

Well third children get the short end of the stick. I haven't kept track of William's milestones as well as I did for Andrew and Aiden, but at least with an iPhone I get lots of pictures. Here goes my attempt to update the last three months. William's sleeping has been very inconsistent, we have tried a lot of things to improve it but nothing has made much improvement. Finally at 8 months we put him in his crib and let him cry it out. After about a week he realized sleeping at night was good and has been sleeping pretty well ever since. At 7 months I started eating dairy again and Will seems to have grown out of any problem he had with it, yay for me (and him). William seems to have a very strong gag reflex and an adversion to the texture so it has been a struggle to start eating baby food. He has tried a few fruits and veggies and some rice cereal but he doesn't care for most of it, he tried avocado pieces and seem to like it but then he spent the whole night throwing up. William has 2 teeth that popped up around 8 months which is helping him chew on chunks of food. It seems that baby mush is the main problem with his distaste for food, he like eating slices of cucmber, banana, and few other foods. Mostly recently he tried some baby cereal puffsand bread, and then proceeded to have an allergic reaction to them (throwing up and swollen eyes). After some benadryl he was fine but it looks like he will need some allergy testing to figure out what the problem food is. William's biggest achievment as of late is crawling. He started at the begining of March inch worming along and within a few weeks he has almost master the "crawling position".

Thursday, February 20, 2014