Monday, August 30, 2010

4 weeks old!

Here are the pictures I had taken of the boys.

Friday, August 27, 2010


I made my first attempt at exercise today with the double jogging stroller. Both boys did very well on the walk and hopefully we will be out and about more often!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Western Idaho Fair

We took the boys to the Fair this weekend for some fun. We had corn dogs and frozen lemonade, and took Andrew on his first Ferris Wheel ride. It was a great time but very hot, I think Andrew will be dragging us there every year.

Waiting in line "patiently"

Getting ready to go up


All done

The train ride

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Aiden's first bath!

Aiden finally got a bath! He seemed to like it and Andrew was a big help. Here are a few pics.

Monday, August 16, 2010

2 weeks old!

Aiden is 2 weeks old today. He is continuing to be a pretty easy baby and is following in his brothers foot steps by gaining weight quickly, he was 10 lb 2 oz at his 10 day check-up at the pediatrician.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Real Life!

My mom left today after spending 2 weeks with us. She was an enormous help and took great care of all us. We will miss her a lot. Now we have to figure out how to survive as a family of 4.
Love you mom!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Baby Boy Coon Arrives!

Aiden Walter Coon was born on Monday, August 2nd at 9:40 PM at Saint Alphonsus Hospital in Boise. He is a big boy (as expected based on the size of Danielle's belly), weighing 9 lbs 6 oz, measuring 21.5" long, and with a 14 3/4" head covered in dark brown hair. Aiden's been a perfect baby so far, sleeping and eating well. Andrew has been a great big brother, and was very excited that his baby brother got him a remote control car.

We had been to Danielle's midwife earlier on Monday for a routine checkup. Based on Danielle's "progress", the midwife recommended that we schedule an induction. We had really wanted to have this baby naturally after the experience we had with Andrew, but we relented and scheduled the induction for Tuesday at 9 AM. Thankfully, Danielle started having seemingly minor contractions Monday evening. They were so minor that Danielle wasn't sure if they were "real" contractions, but they were fairly regular and the intervals were getting pretty close (5-10 minutes). Danielle called the midwife, who told her "YOU ARE IN LABOR, COME TO THE HOSPITAL NOW." We quickly readied Andrew for bed and snuck out while Grandma Terry read him his goodnight stories. We arrived at the hospital around 8 PM and got settled in the delivery room. The midwife and nurses checked Danielle -- she was already 8 cm dilated and she had only experienced some minor discomfort. They were very impressed by both her ease of labor (so far) and pain tolerance, and so was I! The midwife decided to break Danielle's water, and her contractions started to get stronger, but were still mild enough that she could talk through them. While waiting for things to progress, we walked down to the Jacuzzi tub in the facility. Soon after climbing in, Danielle’s contractions started to intensify. After about 20 minutes of strong (and stronger) contractions, she was experiencing a lot pain and becoming very uneasy. I decided to pull the emergency cord and get the midwife and nurses in to help me get Danielle out of the tub. The midwife checked Danielle in the tub and told her "TIME TO GET OUT. YOU ARE HAVING YOUR BABY!" At this point Danielle was having very strong contractions and was in a lot of pain. We struggled to get Danielle from the tub into a wheelchair and rushed her to the delivery room. Once on the delivery table, it was time to push. After twelve minutes of intense, drug-free, screaming-at-the-top-of-your-lungs pushing, Baby Boy Coon joined the outside world.

We spent the next 24 hours in the hospital recovering, getting familiar with our new baby boy, and enjoying the company of many visitors (oh yeah, and trying to decide on a name). After spending almost a full day with Baby Boy Coon, we knew that Aiden was the right name for him.

We're so glad to be home and very thankful for all who visited, called, emailed, texted, etc. We'll try to keep this blog updated (as much as our busy and busier lives allow) as our two beautiful boys grow up together.

Sure I am in labor!!

Aiden Walter Coon

First moments together

Hanging with Daddy

Andrew's meets Aiden... It is love

Heading home!!!!!