Saturday, July 20, 2013

William 1 month

Well, we survived our first month with William.  He is doing great so far, and has been a pretty calm baby.  William is a good eater and is gaining weight quickly.  He is up to 8lb 8oz!  He also sleeps pretty well, usually 4-6 hours to start the night. Our only real struggle seems to be his gas; it started at about two weeks and he is constantly grunting and moaning with discomfort.  I have talked to a few people and I am starting to think the gas might be related to a milk protein intolerance.  The sad news for me is that this means I have to give up dairy products in order to see if that is the problem.  They say it takes up to a month to get all the dairy out of your system so we have a long wait to see if dairy is the culprit.  William also got circumcised this month -- how exciting for him (I say sarcastically)!  Andrew and Aiden are so in love with "their baby".  They are always asking to hold him and they love to talk to him and lay with him. I can't wait to watch my three boys grow up together!

Monday, July 8, 2013

First Bath

Willian cord finally fell off so he got to take his first bath!  He was pretty calm and seemed to enjoy the warm water.  He also likes to make strange faces at the camera! :)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

William 2 weeks old

Little William had his first doctors check-up this week and has gained 11oz since being discharged from the NICU four days ago.  He is doing great at home and we are settling in nicely as a family of five.  William is the sweetest little peanut.  The only plus of Williams NICU stay seems to be his sleeping and eating schedule -- he eats every 3 hours and sleeps great in his bassinet.