Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March 2012 - Week 4

It finally feels like spring this week! We spent a lot of time outside playing. Aiden is trying to learn how to ride the balance bike and his little legs barely reach. They had a lot of fun with chalk and bubbles.

Friday Andrew got sick, he wasn't feeling great but Saturday we decided to hit the zoo! Here is Aiden hanging with the penguins!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 2012 - Week 3

This week was slow!!! We drove back from Utah very early last Sunday so we could make it back in time for Walt's first soccer game. I was hoping that the kids could run around and okay after being stuck in the car but it was freezing and windy so we didn't last long. Aiden had Little Gym and one of the teachers snap a pic of him hamming it! On Saturday it was St. Patrick's Day and we were scheduled out ( I didn't even get a "Green Photo" of the boys). We had Rowan's 4th birthday at 11am at Fire station #1 in town, the boys were very excited. Andrew was so interested in all things fireman, but a little shy ( he had his hands stuffed in his pockets the whole time). After that Rowan and family had us back to their house for crafts and lunch, it was a great time! We rushed home from the party to put both boys down for a nap. Yes even Andrew napped, it was part of our agreement if he wanted to stay up late to go to the Monster Truck Rally. Andrew has been talking about it for months ever since Uncle Von told him about it. We went with the whole Webb-Eason crew (minus Josh) to our first Monster Truck show, it was not my favorite but Andrew loved it! As we were leaving he asked if he could go again soon, next time I think Dad can take him and I will stay at home.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March 2012 - Week 2

This week went by fast! Aiden started going to the Little Gym for some new fun and socializing. He started out a little shy but he warmed up pretty quick and had a great time. We headed to Salt Lake City for a quick trip on Thursday! We had a lot of fun and we were very busy. We had dinner with the Ponces, visited with baby Miles and Erika, saw Toy Story 3 on Ice, and to top it all off celebrated Granpa Georges 60th Birthday with homemade pizza! Here are some pictures

Monday, March 5, 2012

March 2012 - Week 1

This week started with back to back dentist appointments. Andrew was up first and was a perfect boy with rave report fromthe dentist. This was Aiden's first time so it was pretty laid back, he just got to check everything out!

We had some snow on Thursday so we bundled up to play. The boys had a great time making a snowman and shoveling. The snow sadly only lasted the day.

Aiden and the snowman were the same size

On Saturday we took the boys to go bowling down at BSU. Andrew has been asking for months to try it out so we gave it a shot! We had a lot of fun especially with the ramp they had for kids to use.

Sunday was an amazing day, 65 and Sunny! Walt had soccer practice so we tagged along to play, then we continued at home playing and organizing the garage!

Andrew on his scooter!