Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Heading Home!

The results from Andrew's swallow test came back; everything looks good other than a little reflux. We met with an occupational therapist who taught us some techniques and massages that should help with his swallowing. The doctors gave the go-ahead to discharge him from the hospital!

Now we just needed to get Danielle discharged -- she has been suffering from a numb left knee since the delivery -- her doctor wanted her to meet with a physical therapist before leaving the hospital. It was very difficult to track down a PT, but finally at about 3 PM she met with a physical therapist who examined her and determined that it's probably just a pinched nerve from labor. It should get better over the next few days/weeks.

Finally we packed up and headed home, but not before stopping at medical supply store to rent a walker for Danielle. Awesome.

It's very nice to be home, but a little scary too. Here are some pics:

Andrew in his going home outfit

Mommy strapping him in for the ride home!

The happy family about to head home

Andrew lounging on Mommy's lap

Resting by the fire (just for the picture)


Anonymous said...

Danielle, Walter and Baby Andrew,
We are so happy for all of you. Andrew is beautiful--worth the experience! I can't believe all you have been through. I hope things settle down for you all. Enjoy the baby!
Sally, Gabe, Peter, Clay and Ella

Anonymous said...

Congrats you two! Glad to hear that the three of you finally got to go home yesterday and that all is well. Can't wait to see you guys during christmas (i hope).
Take care,

Anonymous said...

Walter, I am not an expert on parenting by any means, but I think you should park the baby further away from the fireplace.

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad the tests results came back ok! I hope Danielle is able to get rid of that pinched nerve too! Congratulations on the birth of baby Andrew, he is absolutely precious!!! (((Hugs))) Bruce, Terri and Tony - Austin, TX

Anonymous said...

Andrew is so gorgeous! I'm glad he is doing better, and I hope your knee gets better. I can't wait to meet him. Andrew and Lily will have beautiful babies one day! ;)
Take care,