Wednesday, February 2, 2011

6 months!!

My sweet baby Aiden is already 6 months old. He had his checkup at the pediatrician and now weighs in at 17lb 12oz (50%), is 27 1/2 in. long (76%), with a head circumference of 47cm (51%). In the last month he has learned to roll over and over and over. He also pivots in a circle and tries to army crawl. So far the crawling has only gotten him an inch or two forward, but he tries very hard. Aiden is sitting up a little bit, but still tipping over quite often. He has started eating some solids, including rice cereal, banana, avocado, sweet potato, and pear! He is also loving baby mum mum rice crackers. He is a very social baby and has a very persistent personality!

Aiden's most exciting "new" trick is sleeping through the night!!! His first night of 10 straight hours was Feb 1. It took a little convincing from Mom that he could do it, but he finally seems to have settled into a routine of only needing to eat once in the early A.M. We have been trying since December to get him sleeping better. He had been waking up every hour or two for a few months and we were exhausted. At first we tried letting him "cry it out", but he was relentless, crying for up to 2 hours. It was so hard to hear, but I figured if it would help him sleep better in the end it would be worth it. After 2 weeks of on and off screaming Aiden seemed to be more awake at night then ever, so we abandoned the plan and I went back to nursing him back to sleep every time he woke up. This week I was so tired that I decided to try again, so we moved Aiden into his own room and I said good night! By some miracle he fussed for a few minutes and then went to sleep for 6 hours!!! Then the next night he just went to sleep and slept for 10 hours. It makes us all so much happier now that Aiden is getting around 12 hours of sleep every night. I pray that this will continue. He is still taking 2 naps a day, with out any real schedule to them, but it seems to work since we are always on the go.

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