Thursday, February 2, 2012

Aiden 18 months

Aiden is 18 months now and full of energy! He is a skinny litte guy just like his momma was at this age. At his chech-up he weigh in at a wopping 20lb 12oz (7%) he hit a growth spurt with height and is now 32" (49%), his head still comes in at 98%. He is talking quite a bit, although he only has about 8 words( hi, mommy, daddy, ball, no). Aiden has the funniest way of expressing himself without words. He likes to make up "signs" for things, and he quite good at it, when he wants a drink for example he swishes his mouth around. Aiden is still very interested in music and always wants to have it on so he can dance. More recently he has taken up a serious interest in basketball, he is always asking to watch it on the television and trying to shoot hoops all around the house.

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