Friday, June 28, 2013


When William was admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, better known as the NICU, I spent almost every waking hour sitting by his side.  William lived in a little clear box that kept his body temperature regulated.  He had a nose cannula that delivered humidified oxygen through his nose to help keep his lungs full and help dry them out.  William had a feeding tube through his nose that supplied him with breast milk.  He was hooked up to several monitors that watched his heart rate and oxygen saturation. He also had to spend two days under the "blue lights" for jaundice.  The hardest part about all of this was not being able to hold him.  I just sat there watching him and hoping that there would be progress.  After a few days I was allowed to hold him and after a few more days his nose cannula came out and we were able to try nursing.  He was a natural with breast feeding.  His last two obstacles were passing the car seat test and gaining weight.  He barely passed the car seat test (he had a little trouble breathing towards the end), and on Thursday morning he had gained an ounce.  The doctor was happy with the way everything was going and he said we could go HOME!!!

If there was an upside to his NICU stay, it was that Dr. Jennifer Merchant was taking care of him.  I used to nanny for her family years ago and she is amazing.  It was nice to see an old friend when I was so anxious about little William.  The nursing staff was also great.  It was a nerve-racking experience to have a baby in the NICU and they do an amazing job making sure you understand what is happening and are comfortable on all levels.

Car seat test
All dressed and ready to Go!!

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